Message from the Chair of Governors
It has been a privilege to Chair the Local Governing Body for Friesland School. I took on the role of Chair just prior to academisation. Despite the difficulties at that time, it has been a pleasure to see how Friesland has advanced since then and also benefitted from this collaborative venture while maintaining its independence of character.
In addition to a diverse Local Governing Body who bring expertise from their various backgrounds in the service of the school, we also have many Governors with children at Friesland, not just the designated Parent Governors. Our Challenge days give the Local Governing Body a good insight into the operation of Friesland on a day-to-day basis. The meetings arranged with staff and with students have been particularly helpful.
I see a key part of the role of Governors is to bring together the interests of the school, its staff, the pupils and their families to help develop and improve the school to the benefit of all its stakeholders. Governors are not involved in the day-to-day running of the school or with managing specific issues. However, if you would like to inform us of general or strategic issues involving or affecting the school, we would be pleased to hear from you via our Governance Professional Sarah Hand.
Martin Garnett
Chair of the Local Governing Body
Governing Body
The Friesland Governing Body is a group of people committed to Friesland School, its future and holding the Headteacher and Leadership Team of the school to account. We are fortunate to have a very experienced Governing Body that comprises of individuals with different business backgrounds and a variety of skills and attributes. The Local Governing Body holds four meetings and two challenge days each school year.