At Friesland School we are committed to ensuring all members of our school are as safe as possible online.
We regularly monitor our Twitter and YouTube sites for content. We will take immediate actions and measures against any individual who presents defamatory, abusive or offensive material online.
We are fully aware that the future of our students will be reliant on IT and computing. We therefore, endeavour to provide our students with the skills and understanding that are necessary to this aim. At the same time, the school recognises that it has NO CONTROL over usage of the Internet at home and that we must, therefore, rely on each family unit to contribute towards a truly safe school that is respectful towards ALL members of the school community.
All students are taught programs of study with a focus on online-safety through their Computing lessons and new developments/issues surrounding online safety are discussed in registration time. Information to help keep your child safe online can be found on several websites. The following are particularly useful:
Safer Internet – Here you can find out the latest advice on how to use the Internet and new technologies safety and responsibly. Also find a range of practical resources, news and events focussing on the safe and responsible use of the Internet and new technologies.
Thinkuknow – More information for parents about all things online. This also includes information about how to remove content, like videos, pictures, comments or profiles that upset you. This is called making a ‘report’
CEOP – The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre is dedicated to eradicating the sexual abuse of children. That mans they are part of UK policing and very much about tracking and bringing offenders to account either directly or in partnership with local and international forces.
Freegenday – This aims to provide parents with useful information to help them understand the latest technology, parental controls and features available to help keep youngsters safe online. There is a wealth of information including setting parental controls, recommended apps, cyber bulling and guidance in relation to online activities and their impact.
Parentzone – Advice and information on preventing online radicalisation.
Safer Internet – A Parent’s Guide to Technology – helps parents understand how young people are using smart phones, gaming devices and other internet enabled devices. It introduces some of the most popular devices, highlighting the safety tools available and empowering parents with the knowledge they need to support their children to use devices safely and responsibly.