Who are we?

Welcome to the PTA section of the school website. Here at Friesland School we are lucky to have a group of parents and teachers who get together to form a supportive and active PTA. Fewer and fewer secondary schools now have one but as budgets become tighter, the PTA is now providing important funding to support the school.

Benefits of a PTA

The PTA has many benefits. For parents, it’s an ideal way to get involved with your child’s education and find out a bit more about what’s going on in school. Our current PTA bring administration, financial and organisation skills to the group and in return get to socialise, make new contacts, try out new ideas and form important links with the school. Parents who have children transitioning from primary to secondary may find being part of the PTA helps them feel more involved in their child’s journey in Year 7.

Students benefit from the resources purchased through fundraising and which may not be otherwise afforded by the school. For example; the PTA have funded badges given to celebrate students’ effort and achievement on Awards Evening.

Want to find out more?

We are always keen to encourage new parents to get involved. Our meetings often take place in the pub and we have some social time as well as a business agenda. There’s no requirement to come to all of the meetings. We sometimes just need an extra pair of hands to help at an event. Any involvement, however small, is much appreciated. If you don’t want to get involved but have a business and feel you would like to help with donations or sponsorship at future events, please get in touch.

PTA Lottery

Here’s your chance to win £50! £1 a month buys you a chance entered into the Lottery draw. Buy more chances to increase the opportunity of winning. Half the money we raise each month is returned in prizes. The remainder goes towards school fundraising.

Click here to buy your chance to win


Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Friesland PTA with easyfundraising?

There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, Booking.com and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.

All you need to do is:

  1. Go to our Easyfundraising page and join for free.
  2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.
  3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Friesland PTA at no extra cost to you whatsoever!

There are no catches or hidden charges and Friesland PTA will be really grateful for your donations.

Year 7/8 Disco

Year 7/8 students have the chance to get together out of school hours at our Year 7 and Year 8 Disco. Our DJ really got the party going with some great music and games.

Irish Night

A new event for PTA; Kellys Heroes filled the room with toe tapping music, whilst their caller did a marvelous job of getting our enthusiastic novice dancers up and dancing. Hannah Hunt, our own Year 11 student, gave an amazing dance performance to delight the audience.

Tuck Shop

Our very popular student event, held once a term, usually during the last week.  An opportunity to buy a few treats and even an ice lolly in the hot summer months.

Fashion Show

Hosted by Risley Fashion House who specialise in selling ex chain-store clothing at low prices. Our clothing models at this event were Friesland students and one very brave PTA member. Our fantastic models helped show the clothing off at its best to maximise the sales commission we received.


We are often found at school events and shows providing welcome refreshments for parents and teachers. Please come and say hello if you want to know more about our activities or if you have an idea to help us raise more funds.

2017 – 2018

  • Technology – New sanding machine replaces the old condemned machine.
  • Science – Dewar flask for storage of liquid nitrogen.
  • Drama — Wireless microphones for use in school shows.
  • Art – 10 embroidery feet for sewing machines.
  • Duke of Edinburgh’s Award – Tents for use on DofE expeditions.
  • Awards Evening – Badges given to students to celebrate effort and achievement at school.

2016 – 2017

  • Namibia Trip – £1750 Used to build polytunnels, where fruit and veg is grown for the local school and to provide mattresses for children.
  • Awards Evening – £660 PTA have funded badges given to celebrate students’ effort and achievement on Awards Evening.
  • Duke of Edinburgh – £500 To support students undertaking their Duke of Edinburgh awards.
  • Bus Emergency Fund – £50 For emergency situations where students are unable to pay for the bus journey home.

2015 – 2016

  • Bench Pillar Drill £229 Upgrading of equipment to benefit students
  • Sublimation Printer £608 Upgrading of equipment to benefit student learning.
  • Graphics Printer £1058 Upgrading of equipment to benefit student learning.

PTA Committee

Chair: Sharon Mendes
Secretary: Marie Ford
Treasurer: Cherie O’Brien
Contact Us: PTA@friesland.ttct.co.uk or visit our Facebook page