Instrumental Music Lessons
Any student wishing to start or continue learning a musical instrument can do so at Friesland. Our fantastic team of peripatetic music teachers from Derby & Derbyshire Music Partnership provide lessons on a range of instruments. These lessons are delivered in school during the school day and are generally available as individual or group lessons, depending on the preferences of the student/parent or the instrument chosen
These lessons are available for a small fee per lesson which is charged by the peripatetic teacher, not Friesland School. Subsidies are available for families that might not be able to afford music lessons – you can contact us in confidence to discuss this
Students wishing to study GCSE or A Level Music at Friesland are expected to receive lessons on their chosen instrument (whether through us or through an external arrangement).
Instruments offered
- Clarinet
- Drums
- Flute
- Guitar
- Piano/keyboard
- Singing
- Trumpet
- Trombone
Starter Scheme
Not sure if a particular instrument is for you? The starter scheme gives you access to 6 lessons at a discounted rate to try out learning an instrument! This is only available if you have never had instrumental lessons from a DDMP teacher.
If you are interested in this, check the relevent box on the application form.
Interested in instrumental lessons?
If you are interested in instrumental lessons, please complete the application form linked below.
Once we receive your form, we will forward your details to the relevant teacher. They will then contact you with more information about the lessons and their prices
Cost of instrumental lessons
Lesson prices vary slightly between teachers and if your child wants to have solo lessons, or a group lesson with one or two other students. For a solo lesson, expect to pay about £10-£15 per lesson. Subsidies are available for low income families or students with special educational needs. Students eligible for a subsidy will be automatically checked when we receive a lesson application, but you can contact the Performing Arts office to discuss this in advance of applying if you wish.
Important note about absences
If your child will miss an instrumental lesson for a foreseeable reason, such as an exam or school trip, please contact your instrumental teacher(s) as soon as possible. Your contract with your instrumental teacher(s) will state the minimum notice required, though this is generally 24 hours
If you do not give sufficient notice, your teacher(s) will still charge you for that lesson. We will support our peripatetic colleagues charging for lessons in these circumstances