Year 6 to Year 7 Applications

Admissions to Friesland School into Year 7, up until the academic year starts, are managed by Derbyshire County Council. To apply for a place at Friesland or for more information on Derbyshire County Council’s school admissions procedures – click here (opens in new tab)

The deadline for an on-time application for entry into Year 7 in September 2025 is 31st October 2024.

Applications for in-year places should be made directly to Friesland, click here to complete the application form. You will usually be advised in writing whether a place can be offered within ten school days of making your application and at the very latest within fifteen school days.

When an application for a place at this school is unsuccessful, families are able to appeal the decision by completing this Admissions Appeals Form, click here.

Secondary application and appeals timetable

National closing date for on-time applications

31 October 2024


National offer date for all secondary schools 3 March 2025
Closing date for on-time appeals 31 March 2025

On-time appeals will be heard by

Late appeals will be heard at the same time as online appeals wherever possible or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

18 June 2025


Last date to submit any additional information in support of your appeal The independent Clerk will notify you of this date, which is usually 5 days before the date of your appeal hearing
Decisions will be communicated in writing from the independent clerk, within 5 working days of the date of your appeal



In-year appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

Admissions Information

Friesland School catchment area

Please click here for our Admissions Policies


Moving to secondary school is an exciting time, which can also be daunting for some students.  At Friesland we provide a smooth transition from Primary School, ensuring all of our youngsters feel prepared and enthused as they enter the next phase of their educational journey with us. 

Our transition team begin work on the process early in the academic year, visiting Primary Schools to meet the children and providing individual support where required.  During our summer transition days the students get to know the school, their form tutor, Pastoral Leader and their new classmates.  We provide students with a detailed transition pack, so that they can tell us all about themselves as well as learning all about their new school and how we work. 

Once the students start in September we work with them to ensure they are prepared in order to succeed, with clear guidance on how to be a successful Friesland Student.  We are aware that everyone is an individual, and put bespoke support in place throughout the transition process for those students or families who require extra guidance. 

Some further detail on our transition activities: 

Performing Arts 

The Performing Arts team host many of our cluster schools for Year 5 Performing Arts days. Students spend time in school experiencing lessons in drama, dance and music. 

Subject Visits 

Throughout Year 5 and Year 6 members of staff from a wide range of subject areas visit junior schools to deliver lessons and activities. 

Open Evening and Year 6 Visits 

In September, Year 6 students and their parents are invited to attend our Open Evening. This provides an opportunity to visit the school, to meet staff and existing students and to discover more about the school before parents have to make their choice of Secondary School. Mrs York, our Transition Manager will also visit our cluster schools in September to discuss Friesland School life and to answer any questions the students may have. 

What happens when I decide that Friesland is our choice? 

Once the choice has been made and confirmed our Head of Year 7, Transition Manager and SENCo will then visit each of the students and talk to their Year 6 teacher to gather relevant information which helps inform the process of selecting new tutor groups. The majority of students will then spend two induction days at Friesland during the summer term, meeting their new Form Tutor, being with their new Form Group and experiencing two days of life at Friesland. For some selected students, a third induction day is offered. These days culminate in an evening event where parents get the opportunity to meet their child’s Form Tutor and Head of Year together with other key Friesland staff. There is also the chance to purchase equipment and uniform at this time. 

If you have any questions about our transition work please do not hesitate to contact school and we will pass your enquiry onto the relevant person.