We expect all our students to come to school with the correct uniform and equipment, ready to learn. The following sections provide information on our school uniform, what equipment we expect students to have and our mobile phone rules
Please wear our uniform with pride
We take great pride in the appearance of our students and in the co-operation of parents on this matter. We feel that this has helped the general discipline and tone of the school. Fashion items are not part of the school uniform; please see below for further guidance. The overriding factor in our choice is that students should wear safe, practical clothing, which reflects a smart, dignified appearance. The school reserves the right to take disciplinary action against any student whose uniform does not comply with these requirements.
The school will be the final arbiter on what is deemed to be acceptable as school uniform.
All students must be in school uniform from Years 7 – 11 inclusive.
Blazer and Tie
- Navy blue blazer with school badge
- School tie – clip on
- Plain white with collar, buttoned to the collar and tucked in at the waist
- Black straight leg/boot cut school trousers
- Navy blue pleated skirt with school logo at waist
Jumper (optional)
- Plain navy blue v neck jumper
- Plain black leather (or leather-effect) school shoes
- Practical and safe style
Socks or Tights
- Plain black, white or navy socks
- Plain black or natural tights
- Hairstyles should be of a sensible nature for school – they should not have the effect of drawing attention to the student concerned.
- Long hair to be tied (if desired) discreetly with a navy blue/black accessory
Jewellery/accessories (optional)
- One wristwatch
- One pair of small studs (5mm) or small hoop earrings (10mm)
- One flat ring
- One small nose stud
- Hats, gloves, scarfs – plain navy blue or black
Coat (Optional)
- Plain in colour
- To be removed in lessons, registration and assembly
Students require two aprons for technology lessons:
- Food technology – navy polycotton apron with white stripes
- All other technology lessons – unbleached cotton apron
PE kit
- Navy t-shirt with school logo
- Plain black shorts
- Navy socks
- Trainers and 3G football boots
- Football boots must have plastic studs or blades – no metal studs/blades. Studs/blades can be screw in or moulded. Trainers, astroboots or other footwear not allowed on the 3G pitch for safety reasons
- Navy 1/4 zip jumper with school logo
- Navy waterproof coat with school logo
- Plain black leggings
- Plain black jogging bottoms
- A gum shield is recommended; these are sold through the PE department
Uniform Sales
Our uniform is available from:
- Uniformality of Borrowash
- Morleys of Chilwell
- Simply First
- Academy School Uniforms
- M3C Sports Supplies
Ties, hats, scarves and aprons can be purchased from the school. Whilst high street stores have uniform sections please be aware that they do not always comply with our uniform policy as these stores are primarily fashion retailers and not official school wear suppliers. Please contact the school if you are unsure of the suitability of any uniform.
Second hand uniform
Second hand uniform can be purchased from places such as local charity shops, Facebook groups or eBay.
The Friesland ReLoved Uniform Facebook group which is a good place to find items such as blazers, tech aprons and PE kit
Equipment needed
- Pencil case
- Black pen (and a spare)
- Green pen
- Pencil (and a spare)
- Ruler
- Eraser
- Sharpener
- Coloured pencils
- Calculator
- Technology aprons (see Uniform above for more information)
These supplies can be purchased in many supermarkets and any good stationery supplier. Some items may also be available to purchase from school
Mobile phones are not allowed at Friesland School. If your mobile phone is seen or heard at any time – from the moment you come on to the school site in the morning until you leave at the end of the school day – it will be confiscated.
If you need to contact home, or home needs to contact you, this can be done via Student Services.
The first time your phone is confiscated, you will be able to collect it at the end of the school day from Student Services.
The second or subsequent time your phone is confiscated, a parent/guardian will need to come in to school to collect it.
For more information please read the mobile phone policy.