
Studying a modern language for A level is taking the language and the passion for the country to a different level. We study the culture and politics of the target language country along with the changes in society over recent years. We look at the influence of pop icons, models, actor musicians and political leaders. We also naturally focus on improving fluency and comprehension of more sophisticated and functional language giving student the confidence to communicate on a real-life level with native speakers of the language they are studying. To study languages at A level is to make a statement that your future and career will be open to many possibilities: and that your acceptance and ability to communicate with different cultures and peoples will set you apart from the rest. 


The social and political themes we study form the content for Paper 1. The first part of the paper tests our ability to listen and understand the target language and to respond to questions and write summaries based on information heard. The second part of Paper 1 tests our grammatical knowledge and ability to understand written text and to respond to questions and summarise information read. The final part of the paper tests our ability to translate. 

Paper 2 is fuelled by the knowledge of a book or play and a film. This paper comprises two essays of roughly 300 words each. One will be based on an aspect of the film we will study and the other on the book or play we read and analyse. 

Paper 3 is the speaking test. From start to finish including preparation time, no more than 25 minutes long. Part 1 tests the ability to respond to a stimulus card with some prepared questions that should be considered during the preparation time. This first part lasts for approx. 5 to 6 minutes. The second part of the speaking test is the IRP (Individual Research Project) You start with a 2-minute presentation and then a 9 to 10-minute conversation about your chosen subject follows. The projects can cover a variety of different themes as long as they relate to a Spanish (or native Spanish speaking) person, area or period of history. 

Course Requirements 

7, 8, or 9 at GCSE. In certain circumstances a 6 will be considered. 

Links to HE 

A language at A level now is a very useful skill to have going into many different careers and university courses. Naturally, translators and interpreters are first and foremost linguists who go on to study languages at University. However, we have seen A level language students go on to study, amongst other subjects, law, medicine, drama and architecture. Having a second language will give you the edge and, in a competitive labour market, the advantage. 

Subject Alumni 

“I really enjoyed studying German at A Level at Friesland – we didn’t stick solely to the book but also explored native German language texts and media so that we got a good understanding of the country as a whole, not just what was in the curriculum. Also, the small classes gave me the chance to regularly practice my speaking and increase my confidence in having spontaneous German conversations. Since doing A Level I have lived in Germany, working in a restaurant, a bar, a Christmas shop and even as a Segway Tour Guide and it was the experience gained from Sixth Form gave me the vocabulary and self-belief to go on and be able to do that.” 

Joe Futter 

‘ A-level German gave me a great understanding of not only the German language but also the culture and history of Germany. I also liked it because it was so different to the other subjects I chose so it was nice to have this mix. It looks great on your CV/UCAS application and the teachers are all great, which made me glad that I chose it as an option.’ 

Sam Bird