Mrs Pitman and Mr York took 14 year 11 students to Oxford recently. They were all introduced to Friesland’s ‘link’ college – St Edmunds, often nicknamed Teddy Hall.

They were informed that St Edmunds, in contrast to our previous link college, Corpus Christi, is one of the biggest at Oxford but still retained that quaint, historic charm of Corpus Christi with some more modern additions and of course larger spaces.

Students learned about the collegiate system and the educational and wider experience that is provided whilst at Oxford. Students asked questions regarding student life, both academic and social, and toured the college with current students.

During the day students gained further insight to the application process and had an engaging Chemistry based session regarding academic thinking.

An obvious perk of the day was a free, good lunch hosted in St Edmunds impressive dining hall.

Finally, students seized the opportunity to sample the atmosphere and architecture around the city of Oxford.

Our Access and Outreach Officer from the university visited Friesland earlier this year and will return to talk with year 9 and 10 students in the Summer term.

A special thanks to Mrs Pitman for driving the minibus once again, Mr York for leading the trip and to our students for being fabulous company and a credit to Friesland.